
What is Reflexology?

Tuesday, 25 December 2007 | | |

What is Reflexology?

Reflexology may be describes as a specialized for of massage of the feet and-less common-of the hands. Performed to detect and correct "imbalances" in the body that may be causing ill-health, it is, however, much more than simply massage. According to reflexologists, distinct regions of the feet correspond to particular organs of the body system, and the stimulation of the appropriate region is intended to eliminate energy blockages thought to produce pain or disease in the associated structures. The arrangement of reflexology areas on the feet mirror the organization of the body to the extent that organs on the right side of the body are represented on the right foot and so with the left.

What Can Reflexology Treat?

Reflexology is a good all-round therapy foe people of any age, however, it is most useful for conditions such as: digestive problems, menstrual irregularities, stress and stress related disorders, fatigue, aches and pains, inflammatory skin conditions, pregnancy problems, and chronic conditions affecting the elderly and children, such as dementia in the elderly and glue ear and colic in children.

What are the Effects Of Reflexology?

The person being treated will experience a variety of sensations as different areas of the feet are worked on. Any feeling of pain or discomfort when a "congested" area is being treated is usually brief and soon goes away, leaving a feeling of release that can often be felt at once. Most people report a feeling of lightness and relaxation, with renewed energy, immediately after a session of treatment. This may occasionally be followed by further reactions known technically as cleansing reaction as the treatment takes effect: the client may experience a headache, a running nose, a mild rash on the skin, and a strong urge to urinate. This effect only lasts a shot while if it happens at all.

Method and Elements of Treatment

Working with clean dry feet the therapist relaxes the feet by stroking them. Starting with the toes. Working down the length of each foot to the heal. Including the top and sides. Both feet are worked simultaneously. Therapists use a variety of ways to put pressure on the reflex points. Including rubbing, rotating and caterpillar-like movements, but all usually begin with firm but quite gentle stroking movement over the entire foot. A full reflexology session usually lasts between 45-60 minutes. Most therapists agree that for best results a number of treatments may be essential, and should take place on a regular basis.

What happens during a treatment?

During a reflexology treatment, the client lies fully clothed (except for socks) on a comfortable couch or recliner, while the reflexologist gently presses and manipulates different parts of the feet. It is usually deeply relaxing and some clients even fall asleep! Afterwards the client is given a glass of water and they can discuss any imbalances or significant areas identified during the treatment.

Is there any reason why I shouldn't have reflexology?

There are very few contra-indications for reflexology, since it is a gentle and non-invasive treatment. The reflexologist will take a full case history at your first meeting and advise you if there is any problem. You should not be treated if you have a fever or contagious illness. Clients who are pregnant, who have had deep vein problems, recent surgery, recent accidents or any major illness should always inform their reflexologist.

The first three months of pregnancy is a time for caution, particularly if the client has a history of unstable pregnancies, since reflexology promotes hormone function. Later in pregnancy reflexology can be extremely beneficial.

More information on reflexology treatments and training is available from the Association of Reflexologists.

About the Therapists

De'ja' vue. Inc.'s reflexology practitioners are certified and/or licensed massage therapists. The reflexologist is trained to advise you of the general Body Building needs only, and express an awareness of these needs as helping the body in general. Each therapist holds their reflexology skill as an avenue to help the body help itself. As their agree indicates: "The feet don't lie!"


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